Blogpost: PREPSOIL Soil Needs Workshop Mountain (Grenoble - France)

Stakeholders from tourism, research, pastoralism and local authorities gathered on 10 May in Grenoble for a PREPSOIL workshop about health of mountain soils. The event allowed stakeholders to discuss their needs for healthy soils.
The Soil Deal for Europe Mission, and the EU-project PREPSOIL (WP2 with the assessment of the soil needs of Lautaret-Oisans, and WP6.3 concerning a survey about soil heath and its challenges to increase and improve it) were presented. The objectives of the soil needs assessment, and the state and needs of soils in the Lautaret-Oisans area were discussed.
Local initiatives were also presented. Stéphanie Huc from the Conservatoire Botanique National Alpin spoke about the restoration of ski slopes through revegetation, carried out within the GeoBiodiv project. The co-creation processes implemented during the Etats généraux de la montagne were then presented by Lauren Mosdale from the association Transitions des Territoires de Montagne. Finally, Sandra Lavorel presented the Living Lav SOLU-BIOD, which is currently being developed and will be concerned with nature-based solutions.
Muriel Mambrini, member of the Mission Board for Soil Deal for Europe Mission, presented the principles for defining a living lab. The opportunities for the development of a Living Lab and the synergies with the territory's projects were discussed.
A networking lunch closed the workshop, during which the stakeholders mentioned:
- Their interest in working in mountain soils
- The need to think about tourism and pastoral transitions and how to integrate soils
- The need to share knowledge and develop a common vocabulary
- Solutions to preserve or restore mountain soils and their technical and social obstacles.
The contributions of this workshop will be available in the final reporting document of the soil needs assessment of the region.