
Soil Needs Workshops

PREPSOIL Booklet Soil Needs Workshops.pdf (16.53 MB)16.53 MB


PREPSOIL resources on Zenodo

Conceptual framework situating the role of living labs to improve soil health

The conceptual framework for using the living lab approach to improve soil health according to the 8 objectives defined by the “Mission A Soil Deal for Europe” comprises:• A model of change outlining the activities to...

Mambrini-Doudet, Muriel Göldel, Bastian

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Good examples of soil education for youth to increase soil literacy

The PREPSOIL (Preparing for the "Soil Deal for Europe" Mission) project facilitates the deployment of the Mission across European regions. This will be achieved through the co-creation and roll out of tools and spaces...

Lundström, Eva Christina Wärm, Elin Mayte, Gallego Smreczak, Bożena Caggiano, Margherita

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PREPSOIL Report on LL/LH taxonomy, identification and mapping feeding the online interactive atlas (D4.1)
Campodonico, Giulia Gelabert, Mar Ylla

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PREPSOIL Taxonomy and Self-assessment for Living Labs and Lighthouses in the Mission Soil context. A guide for users

This guideline is intended to support the understanding and use of the PREPSOIL taxonomy and PREPSOIL self- assessment form for Living Labs and Lighthouses in the Mission Soil context. The PREPSOIL taxonomy of Mission...

Campodonico, Giulia Gelabert, Mar Ylla

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Identifying and engaging Communities of Practice focused on soil health

A poster presenting the work made in the The PREPSOIL (Preparing for the "Soil Deal for Europe Mission) project about identifying and engaging communities of practice focused on soil health in Europe.

Ortman, Tove

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PREPSOIL Report on LL/LH business model plans (D4.2)
Cerezo Soto, Alberto Gonzalez Torres, Michelle

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PREPSOIL - Business Model Canvas for Soil Living Labs and Lighthouses

This is an adaption of Chapter 4 PREPSOIL Business Model Canvases for Soil Living Labs and Lighthouses, foreseen to support the development of business models by soil LLs and LHs, and to serve as inspiration from the...

Cerezo Soto, Alberto Gonzalez Torres, Michelle

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Synthesizing soil needs and drivers of change across Europe and land use types

The soil needs assessment (SNA) was constructed as an interdisciplinary and participatory researchapproach that combines natural science knowledge on the functioning of soils and ecosystem serviceswith research methods...

Bayer, Lukas Bandru, Keerthi Chowdhury, Shaswati Gómez, Pablo Nougues, Laura Jordan, Sabine Maring, Linda Barron, Jennie Keesstra, Saskia Helming, Katharina

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Technical feasibility in using CLMS satellite-based EO to estimate soil health indicators

This publication/report contains a review of scientific knowledge (bibliography, expert opinions, current EU projects), an inventory of the technological resources mobilised (vectors, sensors, current and planned...

Renault, Pierre Xie, Guanyao Weiss, Marie

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Feasibility of citizen science engagement for soil monitoring according to soil needs and LLs

itizen science refers to the involvement of nonspecialist volunteers in scientific research activities, typically under the direction of professional scientists. The "Prepsoil" deliverable D5.3. provides an in-depth...

Charvat, Karel

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Analysis of knowledge base available to monitor soil indicators proposed under the Soil Mission

The PREPSOIL Preparing for the "Soil Deal for Europe Mission project facilitates the deployment of the Mission across European regions. This will be achieved through the co-creation and roll out of tools and spaces for...

Klimkowicz-Pawlas, Agnieszka Siebielec, Grzegorz Świątek, Karolina

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Report from Trans-European event on soil needs assessments

Brief summary of the contents, development and conclusions from the PREPSOIL Sessions performed 22 Nov. 2023 in the context of the European Mission Soil Week.

Grande Gómez, Pablo Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria

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Strategy for the PREPSOIL's communication, dissemination, exploitation

The Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” states that the lack of knowledge and awareness of the cruciality of long-term soil health among different stakeholders - land managers, industries, consumers and society at large -...

Meneses, Rita Fetisova, Valeriya Poincot, Flavien Berggreen, Line Carlenius Nugent, Patricia Anne

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Data Management Plan (mid term)
Aarhus University

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PREPSOIL and its work to support the Mission Soil

The European Mission Soil Week, organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) in the context of the Mission Soil together with the EU funded project PREPSOIL...

Helming, Katharina Keestra, Saskia Lindner, Line Friis

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Soil Needs and Drivers of Change Across Europe and Land Use Types - Booklet

In the following pages, the PREPSOIL project presents 20 regions’ analysis and results from literature review, workshops, and interviews in the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework categories. The...

Bayer, Lukas Bandru, Keerthi Helming, Katharina Gomez, Pablo Sanchez, Ivan Nougues, Laura Maring, Linda Jordan, Sabine Barron, Jennie Keesstra, Saskia

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PREPSOIL - EU Soil Health Mission_workshop to assess the needs of soils_A9 region

The PREPSOIL Region Soil Needs workshop "Organic Agriculture – Kecskemét (Hungary)" was aiming soil needs assessment on the topic combating desertification and drought in Kelő-ér-Dong-ér watershed (A9 region in Hungary)...

Berényi Üveges, Judit

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Guidelines for establishment of Soil Health National Hubs

A report with guidelines for establishemt of Soil Health National hubs. The PREPSOIL (Preparing for the "Soil Deal for Europe"Mission) project facilitates the deployment of the Mission across European regions. This will...

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

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Strategy for the PREPSOIL's communication, dissemination, exploitation

The Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe” states that the lack of knowledge and awareness of the cruciality of long-term soil health among different stakeholders - land managers, industries, consumers and society at large -...

Meneses, Rita Fetisova, Valeriya Nugent, Patricia Anne Berggreen, Line Carlenius Poincot, Flavien

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Data Management Plan

PREPSOIL Data Management Plan

Aarhus University

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