High Tech Agriculture in Müncheberg (Germany)- The Workshop blogpost

Twenty regional participants from the fields of agriculture, the environment, climate change, land administration, science, farmers, and farmer organizations attended the "PREPSOIL Regional Soil Needs Workshop" on May 26, 2023. Participants talked about the Brandenburg region's future soil health, major agricultural threats, and farming techniques that could support high-tech agriculture. We further identified the possibilities for future collaboration in Living Labs.
According to the workshop's findings, Brandenburg's agricultural production system has undergone a number of significant changes that are now obvious. These include the decline of family-owned farms, changes to EU agro-environmental regulations that make planning more difficult, increased dependence on trade with non-EU countries, and an increase in the conversion of agricultural land into photovoltaic power plants. Land speculation driven by large investments is another factor. Visitors to the landscape experimentation site "patchCROP" saw demonstrations of novel farming techniques, including the use of autonomous agricultural machinery and farming in smaller structured field parcels.