Den magiske fabrikken og Vestfold biogjødselforum

Den Magiske Fabrikken, "The magical factory" is a biogas plant that produces biodigestate fertilisers to more than 60 farmers in the region of Vestfold. The farmers are organised in an association which is called Vestfold biogjødselforum. Together, they want to develop new and better bio-fertilisers

Utsikt Den Magiske Fabrikken
Utsikt Den Magiske Fabrikken


By turning food waste and manure into bio-fertilisers, Den Magiske Fabrikken are able to offer the farmers in Vestfold Biogjødselforum an organic fertiliser product. The region is dominated by crop production, with few livestock farms, and the bio-fertilisers becomes an alternative/complement to mineral fertilisers, and a way to increase soil organic matter and the soil health of the region, and circulate nutrients. However, the product and the distribution is continuously under development, and there is a need to further develop the products and also to find solutions to policy-related challenges.

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