18th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy

The European Society for Agronomy (ESA) aims to promote the exchange of scientific and practical experience between experts in agronomy. Today, more than ever, we need to dialogue between peoples, between society and science and between all the disciplines that contribute agronomy because transformation of our agricultural systems is not an option, it is our future.
The aim of the 18th Congress of the ESA in Rennes, France in August 2024 is to vertebrate transformation in agricultural systems with new alliances, and synergies.
This congress follows on from the highly successful 17th congress held in Postdam, Germany, which gathered over 246 participants worldwide. We hope to repeat this success in Rennes and further strengthen our network
PREPSOIL at the event
NIBIO (PREPSOIL Partner) will present a poster about the Communities of Practice PREPSOIL has been identifying and engaging with, from all around Europe.
Official webpage: https://events.institut-agro.fr/event/1/