4th EUSO Stakeholders Forum

21–23 October 2024
4th EUSO Stakeholders forum External event

Healthy soils are essential for achieving climate neutrality, halting the loss of biodiversity and providing healthy food. However, more than 60% of the EU’s soils are subject to one or more soil degradation processes. The recently updated Soil Degradation Dashboard, developed by the EU Soil Observatory (EUSO), shows the location and estimates the extent of soil degradation processes in the European Union (EU). The proposed Soil Monitoring Law aims to make soil health monitoring obligatory, provides guiding principles for sustainable soil management and addresses situations where soil contamination poses unacceptable health and environment risks. Moreover, the publication of the State of Soils in Europe Report highlights the need for actions to restore and safeguard our soils.

In this context, the EUSO convened its 4th Stakeholder Forum, an annual event aiming to actively engage and exchange with the soil community, from policy makers and scientists to local actors, civil society representatives and citizens.

PREPSOIL at the event

Pablo Gómez Grande and José Luis Pita-Romero (INIA-CSIC, PREPSOIL Partner) presented the latest PREPSOIL work on "Capacity building actions for soil health monitoring under Mission Soil projects".

Official webpage: https://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/euso/4th-euso-stakeholders-forum