ACR+ General Assembly 2023

31 May – 1 June 2023
Dublin, Ireland
ACR+ General Assembly 2023 Other event - Cloned

The ACR+ General Assembly 2023 (31 May): participants helped shape the direction of the network by joining our annual gathering where your organisation together with fellow members of ACR+ introduced, discussed and challenged ideas and solutions during the formal assembly as well as the working group sessions and other less formal networking events in a pure Irish style.

The event revolved around three key themes: Policy in Practice, Citizen Engagement and Innovation & Collaboration. These themes were explored across four focus areas: Social Enterprise, Design & Manufacturing, the Built Environment and Food Systems & the Bioeconomy. ACR+ members benefited from a discount on their Hotspot tickets!

PREPSOIL at the event

Agnese Boccalon & Lauriane Noirot (from ACR+, which is a partner of PREPSOIL) presented PREPSOIL in general, with a special focus on its Communities of Practice and the Living Labs.

Event page: