ECOMONDO - Green Technology Expo

8–11 November 2022
Rimini, Italy
ecomondo External event

When we talk about the green economy and the circularity of resources, we can only talk about Ecomondo, the environmental sustainability fair.  Ecomondo is a broad and multifaceted platform, which addresses the Mediterranean area, with an international and innovative event, which talks about the recovery of materials, energy and sustainable development. Italy is one of the countries in which energy efficiency, the recycling of waste, the recovery of resources are at the center of debate and study. Participating in Ecomondo means accessing a reference appointment to meet all the world leaders in this sector, to learn about new trends and technologies and to get feedback from professionals who work in the green.

PREPSOIL at the event

ACR+, a partner in PREPSOIL, will present PREPSOIL mission and goals to an audience composed of regional authorities.

Official webpage: