SOILdarity Workshop on Soil Health Living Labs

Brussels, Belgium
SOILdarity Workshop on Soil Health Living Labs Other event

SOILdarity has announced an upcoming project event dedicated to raise awareness on the relation between soil health and the transition to sustainable food production systems.

The workshop A living lab for a just transition to a sustainable food production system based on soil health and ecosystem services will take place on 17th January 2023 in Brussels in a hybrid format. The workshop will offer the chance to raise awareness on the preliminary steps the project consortium has taken for the development of a living lab in Alentejo region (Portugal) which will outlive the project itself.


One of our main goals is to map what has already been done in Portugal and Europe, which challenges need to be addressed, which successful practices and methodologies can be transferred from more mature living lab experiences to Alentejo, discuss opportunities for funding and for collaboration with European partners which are part of the SOILdarity network. This interaction will provide key insights on common understandings, problems and difficulties that living labs are facing in the development process. Hence, we want to debate possible solutions to make this initiative sustainable in the long term.


PREPSOIL at the event

Giulia Campodonico (from ENoLL, which is a partner of PREPSOIL) provided an overview of project goals.

Event page: