Webinar: Smart financing and sustainability of Soil Health Living Labs and Lighthouses

13–18 June 2024
Image Webinar

Life on Earth relies heavily on healthy soil, yet 60-70% of soils in the EU are in poor condition. In response, the European Commission has launched the Soil Deal for Europe, also known as the Soil Mission.

The mission emphasizes the importance of building local communities to facilitate systematic involvement of various actors across society.
For this, the soil mission aims to establish 100 living labs and lighthouses (LLs & LHs) to lead the transition by 2030.

But for this movement to continue beyond the EU funding, soil health LLs & LHs should secure their long-term sustainability, in terms of funding and other elements inherent to them.

According to a survey of the European Network of Living Labs – ENoLL, conducted in 2011 by the Ulster University, 83,9% of the respondent LLs confirmed that access to funding had been a problem. For 42,9% their main sources of funding came from the public sector; universities accounted for 14,3%; and private organizations contributing 10,7%. Also, the European Commission provided for 19,6% of funding, becoming the second main source for the continued existence of LLs.

This webinar intends to bring ideas of smart financing and sustainability of soil health living labs and lighthouses, combining current research, services in place, and hands-on experiences of both matured and young living labs.

The webinar will take place in 2 different timeslots: 

Day 1: 13th of June, from 14:00 to 17:00 CEST;

Day 2: 18th of June, from 9:00 to 12:00 CEST;

Below you can find the draft Agenda: 

Day 1 - 13th of June

14:00 - 14:15


Introduction to Prepsoil and webinar overview

European Network of Living Labs - ENoLL
14:15 - 14:45

Economic instruments to improve soil health: A strategy for Living Labs and Lighthouses

Diego Soto, InBestSoil project
14:45 – 15:25Horizon Results BoosterRosellina Di Santo, Senior Project
Manager, Meta-Group
15:25 – 15:55Financial sustainability in soil health Living Labs – practical example of ÖMKi On-Farm Living LabKorinna Varga, Head of Agriculture
Policy Research Group, Research
Institute of Organic Agriculture,
Hungary (ENoLL Member)
16:20 – 16:50Building business cases for industry to contribute to improved soil healthOliver Phipps, Partner, EMEA Service
Lead, Environmental Resources
Management – ERM / Network for
Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable
Land Management in Europe – NICOLE
15:55 – 16:50How to design sustainable business models: A research integrated protocolShaya Ashouri, InBestSoil project
partner, Wageningen University &
16:50 – 17:00Wrap-up and closing of Day 1ENoLL

Day 2 - 18th of June

9:00 – 9:10Welcome. Webinar overview

European Network of Living Labs - ENoLL

9:10 – 10:20Sustainability of Living LabsÖmer Onur, Managing Director, Basaksehir Living Lab, Turkey / Council Member of ENoLL
10:20 – 10:50Accelup, the collaboration place for innovators and accredited testing providersEvdokimos Konstantinidis, Chairperson of ENoLL / Postdoctoral Research Associate, THESS-AHALL Living Lab
10:50 – 11:20MACC-SOIL, a holistic and
collaborative approach to find
solutions and ways to address soil
degradation problems in the Eastern Mediterranean region
Michael Katharakis, CEO,
Mediterranean Agrofood Competence
Center (ENoLL Member)
11:20 – 11:50Building business cases for industry to contribute to improved soil healthOliver Phipps, Partner, EMEA Service
Lead, Environmental Resources
Management – ERM / Network for
Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable
Land Management in Europe – NICOLE
11:50 – 12:00Wrap-up and closing of Day 2ENoLL

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