World Soil Day Denmark

World Soil Day is celebrated worldwide on December 5. The FAO sets the overall theme. This year the theme is “Caring for soils – measure, monitor, manage” It is an annual international celebration of how important it is to take care of agricultural soil.
The Danish celebration of World Soil Day is a collaboration between Agrovi, the Association for Reduced Tillage in Denmark (FRDK), Innovation Center for Organic Agriculture, SEGES Innovation, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark, University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University and Roskilde University. The day is celebrated with an event at DOKK1 in Aarhus, where you can experience the exhibition “Soil Connection” at the same time as World Soil Day, and it is also possible to extend the day with a trip to the Øst for Paradis cinema for an exciting event that is also about soil.
PREPSOIL at the event
PREPSOIL Coordinator (Aarhhus University) attended the event and represented PREPSOIL during the networking activities.