Suggest a resource to the PREPSOIL Knowledge Hub

To suggest a resource to be included in the PREPSOIL Knowledge Hub, we ask you to share your first name, last name and email address.

The collected personal details are for reference only. Your personal details will not be made public on the PREPSOIL website and will not be transferred to third parties.

This field is provided for you to share information. Please note that the Prepsoil project is not responsible for the data shared in this field. Your participation and submission of information through this field imply your understanding and agreement that the data shared is at your own discretion and responsibility. For more details on how we handle your personal information, please refer to our privacy policy.

By filling out this form, you accept that PREPSOIL might contact you to ask additional information regarding the suggested resource.

* This field is required.

Add the original title of the resource 
Please select the original source (organisation, project, institution) that produced the resource.
If you are suggesting a scientific paper, please select "Academic".

If the source is not in the list, please select "Other".
If the project is not in the list, please select "Other projects" and add the name of the project.
Select the language in which the resource has been published
Please select a country in which the content of the produced resource is related to.
Mixed land use type refers to a mix of two or more categories (e.g. forests + natural)
The type of content refers to the purpose of the resource (ex. to educate, provide scientific evidence, describe a best practice, recommend policy actions). 
The EU Soil Mission encompasses 8 objectives (reduce desertification, conserve soil organic carbon stocks, stop soil sealing and increase re-use of urban soils, reduce soil pollution and enhance restoration, prevent erosion, improve soil structure to enhance soil biodiversity, reduce the EU global footprint on soils, improve soil literacy in society).

Please select to which objective the suggested resource contributes.
The EU Soil Mission encompasses 8 objectives (reduce desertification, conserve soil organic carbon stocks, stop soil sealing and increase re-use of urban soils, reduce soil pollution and enhance restoration, prevent erosion, improve soil structure to enhance soil biodiversity, reduce the EU global footprint on soils, improve soil literacy in society).
* I understand that all the submissions to the Knowledge Hub will undergo a review by the Editorial Board, which may contact the contributor for further clarification.
* I accept PREPSOIL's privacy policy and terms of use

In case you have questions, please contact at