Urban development leads to soil compaction, contamination, and loss of green spaces negatively impacting soil health and limiting community access to healthy environments and recreational areas
The PREPSOIL Business Model Canvas (BMC) for Living Labs (LLs) & Lighthouses (LHs) in the Mission Soil is a tailor-made tool that considers the specificities of Soil LLs and LHs to support and inspire these initiatives to find a strategy for their long-term sustainability. [read more]
To achieve this, the PREPSOIL BMC offers practical examples based on different exercises conducted in the PREPSOIL project. These examples can be found below and can be filtered according to different soil uses (agriculture, forestry, (post-)industrial, and (peri-)urban), as well as different elements, and spheres of intervention within each of the elements.
These examples are to serve as guidance and inspiration for the design of Business Models for Soil LLs, acknowledging the uniqueness of each of them in terms of the ambition, capacities, and context in which the LL operates.
For more information on the BMC methodology please see PREPSOIL Report on LL/LH business model plans (D4.2)
For a step-by-step guide on how to use the BMC see Business Model Canvas for Soil Living Labs and Lighthouses: A guide for users
Historical waste deposits and contaminated sites can pose risks to their surroundings such as densely populated areas, ecosystems and cop production on arable land
Combination of challenges related to multifunctionality of land use and variability of challenges (e.g. contamination, resource use, sealing of land, etc. under the pressures of climate change)
Reduce soil pollution by mitigating negative externalities (e.g. pollution, contaminations, emission) and enhance restoration
Conserve and increase soil organic stocks
Reduce the EU global footprint on soils
Transit to healthy soils to facilitate the restoration of the natural system, and thereby its potential to deliver ecosystem services
Improve soil structure to enhance soil biodiversity
Use green, gentle and sustainable remediation
Stop soil sealing and increase reuse of urban soils
Transform polluted, flooded and private owned brownfields into other uses (e.g. public parks, housing)
Follow novel approaches in housing, which limit land take and soil sealing