European Mission Soil Week & PREPSOIL - Leading the transition towards healthy soils

The European Mission Soil Week, organised by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) in the context of the Mission Soil together with the EU funded project PREPSOIL and the Joint Research Centre - EU Soil Observatory (EUSO) will be held from 21 to 23 November 2023. The conference will be locally hosted by INIA-CSIC at the central facilities of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain, under the Spanish Presidency of the EU Council.
The European Mission Soil Week is a major European gathering that brings together the European soil community. Researchers, policymakers, farmers, foresters, spatial planners, landowners and land managers, businesses, and organisations as well as the general public will meet to discuss the challenges for making and keeping EU soils healthy.
If you want to stay tuned for more details, register at this link. You will receive more information in the upcoming months.
PREPSOIL at the event
PREPSOIL has sessions dedicated to present and discuss the results collected from the 20 Regional Soil Needs Workshops, all taking place on 22nd November (Wednesday)
- 10:00-11:00 AM CET PREPSOIL project : supporting the Mission Soil, which will focus on:
- PREPSOIL and its work to support the Mission Soil
- Identifying Soil Needs: the PREPSOIL Regional approach
- Soil Needs Assessment in 20 European regions: method and key results
- Implication for stakeholder interaction, living labs, monitoring, science policy
- 11:30-13:30 Breakout session 4 - Soil needs in PREPSOIL regions: engaging with multiple actors (download the presentations)

Official event page: