PREPSOIL map self-registration and assessment forms

The PREPSOIL team is currently updating the Interactive Map to ensure it provides a comprehensive overview of the Living Lab (LL) and Lighthouse (LH) initiatives as well as Living Lab experimentation sites.

Would you like your LL, LH or experimentation site to be displayed in the updated map? Please fill out the form below to confirm the details about your site. For definitions of Living Labs and Lighthouses, see our Living Labs and Soil Lighthouses page.


  • Current Tell us about the LL/LH
  • Self-assessment form
  • Complete
Indicates required field
Full address
Or of the host organisation, if not available yet

This field is provided for you to share information. Please note that the Prepsoil project is not responsible for the data shared in this field. Your participation and submission of information through this field imply your understanding and agreement that the data shared is at your own discretion and responsibility. For more details on how we handle your personal information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Type of soil addressed (select all that apply)
Full address
Full address
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