Soil literacy among young people – why does it matter and how can educators deal with it?

13 February 2025
Soil literacy among young people – why does it matter and how can educators deal with it? Internal event

Mission Soil has eight goals concerning soil health. The eight goal is “Increase soil literacy in society across Member States”. That goal aims to increase awareness, involvement and access to information among citizens concerning soil health issues and to embed soil health in school curriculums in order to change citizens’ action and behaviour in relation to our soils.

The PREPSOIL project has for two years collected good examples of soil pedagogy among EU countries, in order to inspire teachers and educators to work with soil health with young people. However, there are also other aspects of connecting young people to nature and its soils.

The webinar will present why soil literacy is important for our young people and two inspiring examples concerning how to work with soil issues in education. The webinar will also share insights about young people and their connection to nature and soil, along have testimonials of two of the winners in the PREPSOIL competition on soil pedagogy in 2024 will present their projects. The PREPSOIL webinar takes place on the 13th of February, 2025.

Draft Agenda


Presentation Title 



The Mission Soil and PREPSOIL

Christina Lundström, SLU


Why should we increase young people´s access to nature and its soils?

Fredrika Mårtensson, SLU


Good examples of soil education – presentation of PREPSOIL winners from 2024:

Love your wellies

The soil to educate

Katie Smirnova, FarmPEAT Project

Erika Guerrini, Istituto Pluricomprensivo Brunico


Questions and Answers



