Teaching elements for teaching soil
13 December 2024
Nizza Monteferrato (Italy)

Food, climate change, biodiversity, circular bioeconomy: these are the key themes around which the teaching elements for teaching the soil will be structured: the factory of life, a training course for teachers scheduled for 13th December in Corso IV Novembre, 42 in Nizza Monteferrato (Italy)
A training programme, organised by RE SOIL Foundation (partner of PREPSOIL) provided to professors of primary & secondary schools. The training programme counted with the testimonial of "IIS Russell Moro Guarini Torino sede Guarini", which was one of the winners of the 2nd Open Call of Best Teaching Practices for Healthy Soils". The overall goals of PREPSOIL project, as well as both Open Calls of Best Teaching Practices were presented at the event, by PREPSOIL partner RE SOIL Foundation.