Dairy Farming – Achterhoek (The Netherlands)

The Achterhoek “PREPSOIL Regional Soil Needs Workshop” takes place on the 25th of April, 2023. This workshop aims to understand the most urgent agriculture soil needs of the NL22 Arnhem-Nijmegen and Achterhoek regions (The Netherlands). The event will be organised in Dutch.
The goal of the workshop is to brainstorm about solutions to tackle the region's environmental problems and the opportunity of creating a Living Lab in the region.
Topics to be discussed
- What caused land management change in the Achterhoek region and which consequences did that have?
- What is the ideal and feared future situation?
- What consequences would these changes have on the rural area (positive or negative)?
- What does it take to go from the present to the ideal vision of the future?
Farmers, policy makers, governance, scientists, citizens, companies in agro-buisiness, NGOs, journalists.
Organiser contact
Request permission to attend to: chantal.hendriks(AT)wur.nl and saskia.keesstra(AT)wur.nl
Draft Agenda
- 13.30 - 14.30 Walk-in with coffee/tea and chance to visit the demo fields
- 14.30 – 14.45 Purpose of the meeting
- 14.45 - 15.15 Historical and current situations
- 15.15 – 15.45 Sketching an ideal and dreaded picture of the future
- 15.45 – 16.00 Coffee/tea
- 16.00 - 16.30 From the present to the ideal vision of the future
- 16.30 – 17.00 Plenary discussion
17.00 – 19.00 Stay fun to network, visit the demo fields and enjoy the barbecue
Read the blogpost about this event
See below the photo gallery (kindly provided by the local organizer)