Mixed Agriculture – Trøndelag (Norway)

The aim of the workshops was to identify soil needs and discuss what affects soil health in Trøndelag. In addition, the participants were asked to reflect on the driving forces leading to changes in soil quality, positive and negative pressures on the natural environment, changes in soil state, impacts of soil state changes and what responses and measures could be implemented to ensure good soil health. The Green competence center is aiming to establish a living lab in Trøndelag, so this event also represented the first steps towards that goal.
A range of different stakeholders were invited and one of the workshops was arranged in the evening to make it easier for farmers to participate. The workshops were also hosted at two different locations to make sure to be able to include as many stakeholders as possible. The workshops were originally planned in May, but were expedited as farmers are in general very busy in May in Norway. Along with farmers we targeted agricultural advisers, researchers, agronomists from agricultural high schools, policy makers (e.g. the County Governor) and representatives from different municipalities.
- Green competence center welcomes the participants and inform about activities and future plans and projects in the region.
- Information about Prepsoil, the concept of Living labs, soil health and the workshop tasks.
- Information about the DPSIR background framework.
- Workshop tasks/group work: challenges and measures (stepwise approach explaining and identifying drivers, pressures, state, impact, response)
- Presentations of findings of each of the groups.
- Voting for most popular measures/responses suggested by the groups
- Plenary discussions (visions, barriers, opportunities, trade-offs)
- Plenary tasks:
- 1) What possibilities are there for a living lab in Trøndelag?
- 2) Define the way forward, next steps
The workshops were arranged in collaboration with the Green Competence center in Trøndelag, who were in charge of inviting stakeholders.
Read the blogpost about this event
See below the photo gallery (kindly provided by the local organizer)