Post mining – Katowice (Poland)

The Polish “PREPSOIL Regional Soil Needs Workshop” takes place on the 23th of June, 2023. The workshop is aimed at defining key soil needs in post-mining type of areas. The meeting will be organized in Katowice in Polish language. The workshop will focus on discussing soil challenges, sustainable practices, knowledge and data needs and availability, knowledge gaps, consultancy needs for more sustainable soil management in post-mining areas..
Topics to be discussed
- What are the key important drivers and pressures in post-mining areas?
- What is the state of soils in post-mining area and wahat impacts it has?
- Which responses should be implemented? What are the barriers for effective soil management practices?
- Future visions for soil management in the region from different perspectives
A group of stakeholders representing diverse views: local authorities, consultancy, researchers, citizens, ecologists, advisory services.
Organiser contact
Request permission to attend to: gs(AT)
Draft Agenda
11:00 – 11:30 Introductory session
11:00 – 11:10 Welcome, plan of the meeting (IUNG)
11:10-11:30 EU Soil Mission, PREPSOIL project (IUNG)
- 11:30 – 12:15 Stakeholder views – industrial sites
Good examples of soil management and remediation
Regulatory barriers and opportunities
Spatial planning in post-mining area
12:15 – 12:45 Stakeholder views – agriculture in post-mining region
- Main challenges
- Soil advisory needs
12:45 – 13:45 Group brainstorming
State and barriers
Knowledge and data needs
Vision of soil management in the region
Options for Living labs and Lighthouses in the region
13:45 – 14:00 Concluding words and wrap up
Read the blogpost about this event
See below the photo gallery (kindly provided by the local organizer)