Reforestation – Žďár nad Sázavou (Czech Republic)

The Žďár nad Zázavou “PREPSOIL Regional Soil Needs Workshop” takes place on the 19th of May, 2023. This workshop aims to debate on the state of soil in Vysočina Region. The workshop will focus on NUTS2 CZ06, more specifically on regions CZ063 and CZ0635. The workshop will take place at “Kafíčko Coffee House" will be organised in Czech.
The Vysočina Region "Highlands Region" of the Czech Republic, is located partly in the southeastern part of the historical region of Bohemia and partly in the southwest of the historical region of Moravia. Its capital is Jihlava. The region is the location of two mountain ranges, Žďárské vrchy and Jihlavské vrchy, both part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. The Vysočina Region is home to three UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the most in any region in the Czech Republic.

The region main threats are erosion and acidification and it was affected by the bark beetle calamity, which destroyed a big part of the monocultural forest (spruce). A large part of the region was deforested and now is necessary to provide large-scale reforestation. The opportunity is now to change forest composition from spruce monoculture toward more diverse forests. An important topic is also the introduction of sorts from the region with warmer clime (about climatic changes). The important issue is also increasing water retention
Topics to be discussed
- Project PREPSOIL mission
- The current state of soil health and major threats in crop production and forestry.
- Most important barriers to sustainable soil management.
- Opportunities and visions for a transition to sustainable farming and forestry and attention to soil health.
- Representatives of soil care research companies
- Forest owners
- Owners of fields and meadows
- Representatives of the local government
- University representatives
- Representatives of manufacturers of soil quality and property detectors
Organiser contact
Request permission to attend to: smejkal(AT)
Draft Agenda
- 10:00 – 10:30 h INTRODUCTORY SESSION (60 min)
- Introductory lectures (Dr. Karel Charvát and Dr. Jaroslav Šmejkal - LESPROJEKT):
- Introduction and background: EU Soil Mission and PREPSOIL (10 min)
- Introduction Soil Health Needs Assessment in PREPSOIL, DPSIR framework (10 min)
- Summarize preliminary information gathered in the desktop study (10 min)
- 10:30 – 11:30 h LOCAL STAKEHOLDERS SESSION (60 min)
- Local stakeholders’ lectures:
- Overview of the region. Current issues. The condition before and after the bark beetle calamity (10 min)
- Evaluation of the attractiveness of agricultural land. (10 min)
- Possibilities of using the yield potential in plant production. (10 min)
- Measurement of soil quality and parameters, remote data transmission, and data processing (10 min)
- Related activities or projects in the region (10 min)
- Regional perspectives (10 min)
- 11:30 – 12:00 h LUNCH (30 min)
- Plenary discussion session (Whole group, participative):
- Reflect and group discussion on Desktop study preliminary outcomes (30 min)
- Breakout session in small groups (Round the table, e.g. in the form of a world cafe setting):
- Future - Stakeholders’ future visions/desired future for the region (20 min)
- Barriers to sustainable soil management (20 min)
- Opportunities for transition (20 min)
- Trade-offs of visions/solutions (20 min)
- 13:50 – 14:10 COFEE BREAK (20 min)
- 14:10 – 15:40 CLOSING SESSION (90 min)
- Plenary recap session (outcomes shared in plenary by the working groups’ rapporteurs):
- Wrap-up breakout sessions (60 min)
- Options for Living Labs and Lighthouses in the region (20 min)
- Conclusions, Final Remarks, and Closing (10 min)
Read the blogpost about this event
See below the photo gallery (kindly provided by the local organizer)