Vineyard Soils – Bordeaux (France)

The Bordeaux “PREPSOIL Regional Soil Needs Workshop” takes place on the 26th of April, 2023. This workshop aims to understand the most urgent needs in the FRI1 and FRI3 Regions, which represent more widely the soil needs in all regions with vineyards soils. It will take place at Cité mondiale, 12 cours du 30 Juillet, Bordeaux. The event will be organised in French.
The goal of the workshop is to have a common understanding of the region's current situation, gather future visions on barriers and opportunities, as well as find possible entry points for Living Lab and Lighthouse development.
Topics to be discussed
- Current state of soil health and main threats in olive groves
- Most important barriers for sustainable soil management
- Opportunities for transition: visions and solutions of farmers and other stakeholders
- Identify options for Living Labs and Lighthouses in the region
Winegrowers, stakeholder of the wine industry, Local authorities, Research and innovation organizations.
Organiser contact
If you are interested to attend, please register by filling out the form. ”
Draft Agenda (more info soon)
Read the blogpost about this event
See below the photo gallery (kindly provided by the local organizer)