Maintain ecosystem services provided by forest soils, essential for sustainable forest management
Increase energy independence of farmers' own solar panels (e.g. small energy generators)
Reduce soil pollution by mitigating negative externalities (e.g. pollution, contaminations, emission) and enhance restoration
Conserve and increase soil organic stocks
Reduce the EU global footprint on soils
Transit to healthy soils to facilitate the restoration of the natural system, and thereby its potential to deliver ecosystem services
Use green, gentle and sustainable remediation
Use nature-based solutions and de-sealing where possible to limit excessive heat and rainfall
Stop soil sealing and increase reuse of urban soils
Support remediation in contamination sites and their surroundings, and transform (post-) industrial and brownfield land to other uses
Regenerate economic activities in post-industrial areas
Incentivize transformations to enhance restorations through reclamation, regeneration, remediation, reuse, upcycle plans and projects