Climate Resilient Forestry – Uppsala (Sweden)
Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala

The Swedish “PREPSOIL Regional Soil Needs Workshop” takes place on the 29th of May, 2023. This workshop aims to discuss “How do we manage our productive forests soil-smart”. This hybrid workshop will focus on NUTS2 SE1, SE2 and SE3 and more specifically on regions SE12 and SE33 and takes place at the Swedish University for Agricultural Sciences (SLU) at Uppsala. The event will be held in Swedish.
Topics to be discussed
- Current and future conditions of soil health and main threats in Swedish soils used for forestry
- Trade-offs between different management options
- Future conditions of soil health at conversion towards more diverse forests and climate change adaption
- Identify options for future cooperation in Living Labs
- University representatives, Skogforsk (the central research body for the Swedish forestry sector), the Swedish forest agency, forest industry, forest owners, representatives of the local government, NGOs.
Organiser contact
Request permission to attend to: Sabine Jordan (sabine.jordan(AT)
Draft Agenda
- 13:00 – 13:15 h Introductory session: the EU Soil Mission and PREPSOIL (NN, SLU)
- 13:15 – 14:30 h Stakeholder lectures
- In which ways can forestry in Sweden affect forest soils?: NN, Skogforsk
- Can forestry be climate-smart: Jeanette Eggers, SLU
- Future forest issues linked to the soil from a forest research perspective: Hjalmar Laudon, SLU
- Formation of methylmercury as a consequence of forest harvest and wetland restoration: Karin Eklöf, SLU
- Future forest issues linked to the soil from a forest owner perspective: TBD
- 14:30 – 14:50 h Coffee Break
- 14:50 – 15:30 h Work session with group discussions
- 15:30 – 15:55 h Reporting from group work and plenary discussion
- Summary of group work
- Possibilities for living labs and lighthouses
- Knowledge needs
- Stakeholders' visions for the future
- 15:55 – 16:00 h Concluding Remarks
Read the blogpost about this event
See below the photo gallery (kindly provided by the local organizer)