Irrigated Agriculture – Valencia (Spain)

The Valencia “PREPSOIL Regional Soil Needs Workshop” kicks off in the La Costera region - more precisely Xativa - on the 14th of January, 2023. This workshop aims to understand the most urgent needs in the NUTS ES 52 Region, which represent more widely the soil needs in all regions with irrigated agriculture.
The workshop is supported by Prof. Artemi Cerdà from the University of Valencia and is entitled in Valencian “‘Necessitats dels agricultors” (Agriculture’s Needs). It will take place at Ca Cuesa de Xativa, a medieval house located in the agricultural lands of Xativa. The event will be organised in Valencian.
Topics to be discussed
Following a short presentation, around 4 tables with 8-15 people per table will:
- Reflect on the information presented by the researchers about agricultural soils;
- Consider the future visions/desired future of interested parties in La Costera;
- Determine the most important barriers faced by agriculture, as well as the most desired transition opportunities;
- Listen to the visions and solutions of farmers and other users;
- Identify options for Living Laboratories and Lighthouses in La Costera.
This workshop welcomes local stakeholders, namely farmers, land users/owners/managers and people from local and regional governing bodies. The session will be held in Valencian.
Draft Agenda
Several topics will be brainstormed using the DPSIR (Drivers, Pressures, States, Impacts, Response) approach:
- DRIVERS from external factors (Moving forces)
- Human activities (economic, social, cultural): technological development, tourist or demographic changes, consumption changes, policy changes
- Environmental drivers: climate change and its effects (droughts, floods, heat waves), the decrease in biodiversity, desertification
- PRESSURES on soil use and management
- Drivers that may cause pressure on the natural environment
- STATES and changes in soil functions
- Pressures can modify the state (state variables, current state) of these ecosystems in quantity and quality.
- IMPACTS or relevance for societal targets
- The impact of these soil condition changes refers to the (ecosystem) services that support soil functions.
- RESPONSE or recommendations for sustainable soil use to make farmers’ lives more sustainable
- Measures (policy, research and social action, or changes in land use and/or management practices) to prevent degradation and restore the soil system in order to improve the provision of (ecosystem) services.
Following an introductory round (20 minutes), groups will be asked, in consecutive 45-minute sessions, to think about the DPSIR elements in three ways:
- Past soil needs (session one)
- The present/current situation (session two)
- Future soil needs: both the future they expect and the future they would like to have (session three)
Read the blogpost about this event
Download the posters used (in Valencian)
See below the photo gallery and the short video (kindly provided by the local organizer)